Sunday, July 20, 2014

5 Months

Quinn turned 5 months old over a week ago, it's taken me awhile to get around to writing this update. Both her and I got a cold two weeks ago, it lasted about a week but we are both still a little congested from it. Combine that with her not so great sleeping habits, and I could barely do anything for awhile. 

She weighs 14.5 lbs in this picture, taken one month ago. She started wearing 6 month clothes. She wore her 0-3 size for three months, but now I think she's going to grow out of her 6 month size really fast! As of last week, she weighs 16 lbs. this morning I tried to put some shoes on her that she wore for the first time two weeks ago, and I couldn't get them on. 

She got her ears pierced! She cried pretty hard for a minute, and I may have teared up. I felt really bad but she was happy two minutes after it happened. 

We practice sitting up in we boppy pillow. She is getting close to doing it on her own, but she tips backward a lot. 

She also found her toes a few weeks ago! She grabs them every time she is on the changing table. She is only halfway doing it in this picture, I wish I had a better one but it is getting harder to capture her doing stuff because she sees me get my phone out and she just watches me. 

This picture is blurry, but Quinn figured out how to stand up for a few seconds in her bouncer and she would get so excited! She throws her arms out to the side and balances on her tip toes and it's adorable. 

There's also this gem that I captured at Costco the other day. She has been a scowler since she was born. 
I am pretty sure she gets it from her dad. Sometimes I feel like she is judging me when she lifts up one eyebrow at me, I can't do that and neither can her dad. 

When she goes to sleep she likes to touch her binki. It's like she is protecting it. Another thing she does when she is trying to settle down is run her hand across my fingers. When she wakes up I can sometimes get her to go back to sleep by giving her her binki and letting her hold my fingers. I also discovered that she likes to sleep on her side. I wish I would have figured that out a long time ago, but her sleep has definitely been improving since I realized that. 

We took her up to Scout Mountain. We didn't end up camping but we had a fire and cooked dinner up there one evening and then drove back the next day and we hiked. She did really good in the front carrier. She definitely preferred facing outwards, we had her facing me at first and she started to get mad after 20 minutes, then we turned her around and she was totally happy for the full two hours we were hiking. She really likes trees. Actually she likes plants in general. One time, she smiled at a tree when I took her outside. 

I got a kiddie pool for her and I to play in. She has a little baby inner tube thing that she sits in and yesterday, she was in it and she flipped forward so she was on her stomach. She could reach the ground with her toes so she scooted around the pool for awhile. Then she scooted to the edge and caught sight of the grass and she just stayed there and stared at it. I wish I had pictures but I didn't have my phone with me. 

Glistening from rice cereal all over her face! 
She really likes water bottles of all types. Sorry it's upside down. I'm too tired to rotate it. (She seriously wakes up every 2-3 hours at night still. It's hard to think straight.) 

Ignore my adorable pajama pants in those pictures. 

She has started teething this month too. I'm pretty sure it's her canines and the teeth beneath them that are coming in. I know that's not the norm, but it's what's happening. Teething takes forever, holy cow. She has had some rough days with it. Last week in particular, she was screaming and crying a lot, and she would be up for hours in the middle of the night and after a few days of it I took her to the doctor because I thought he might have an ear infection. I hoped she would have one, because then I could just give her some anti - biotics and solve the problem. They looked at her and said nothing was wrong with her. Then I realized that I had started giving her a little bit of applesauce around the same time, and that she had been farting a lot lol. Apparently applesauce makes her gassy! Bad parenting moment for me.