Quincy turned 10 months old two days ago. She likes to get creative while riding in the shopping cart.
She took her first steps a few days ago!! I was super excited. She has been able to stand unassisted for a couple of weeks now. She stood up and I let go of her and scooted away and then she took three or four steps toward me. She hasn't done it since. She thinks it's really funny to stand up and have me scoot away from her and she just laughs and flaps her arms until she falls over. She must be trying to fly. She can bend over and pick things up and still stand back up but she won't take anymore steps! She likes to climb up the stairs. She hasn't figured out that she can't go down them face first though. She always stands up in the bathtub to try and play with the spout and I keep telling her no but she doesn't care. She does it over and over again after I pull her down and tell her to sit, and then she gets really mad and I take her out. Bath time used to be pleasant and easy, but this week it hasn't been!
It's so fun to watch her figure things out. I stacked two of her toys on top of each other and then I watched her try to do the same thing. She kept missing but it was so fun that she was trying to do what I had shown her. I even caught a few hours later trying to stack some of her other toys. We need to get her some blocks so she can learn to build towers.
She loves to drink out of my water bottle still. Kelly went and bought her her own cute little camelbak. It's purple with pink butterflies. She still chooses my water bottle over hers though for some reason. It's as big as she is! She learned to drink from a straw really well after we gave her some baby food pouches. Now she drinks a ton of water. She likes to take a drink after every bite of food it seems. She just sits in her high chair and sucks on her straw until she has to stop and pant and catch her breath. Then she does it again. She's so cute when she drinks from a straw. She furrows her eyebrows and her cheeks suck in and out. I need to take a picture because I seriously love her face when she does it. Kelly gave her a drink of mountain dew at Costco the other day. She liked it obviously. Here she is trying to find it.
She loves to empty out drawers. She doesn't even look at what she's taking out half the time, she just throws everything behind her. I clean up the same messes multiple times a day. She gets in the bathroom drawers every day when I'm trying to get ready. It's better than having her get into the toilet paper or the toilet. She also likes to play in the shower curtains.
She has gotten a lot more talkative. She yells a lot when she's doing something she likes. I picked her up from the Kids Klub at the gym the other day and she was going nuts playing with a toy kitchen. She was opening and closing the cupboards and banging on it and screaming super loud. They told me she does it all the time. Sometimes I catch her doing it on the TV monitors they have around the gym that are hooked up to the cameras in the Kids Klub.
The other day Kelly walked in the door from work and she said "dad!" She gets really excited to see him. She knows it's him coming in when she hears the front door. She's also a lot more snuggly than she used to be. She'll lay her head on down on us for a few seconds at a time. Never for more than a minute, but that's a lot more than she used to do! She'll sit on our laps if we're watching the baby channel on TV. Those shows are seriously so weird but she likes them for some reason.
She has been sleeping through the night for this whole week. For about six weeks she was waking up every 2-3 hours and crying until I came in and rocked her back to sleep and I got tired of it. So at first I tried letting her cry again which helped a little. I'd let her cry until she got really upset and then I'd go back in and give her her binki and she'd calm down and go back to sleep. What made the big difference I think was that I no longer nursed her in her room before nap time or bed time with the lights off and her blanket and her binki close by. I leave all the lights on so she wakes back up when she's done and then I lay her in her crib and give her her binki and her blanket. Then I turn the lights off and walk out. That made a huge difference. She still wakes up around 5 or 6 and I let her nurse and then she's usually up for the day by 7. She takes a short nap around 9 and then a longer one at 1:30 and then goes back to bed at 7 at night. I can lay her down for her first nap without rocking her at all and she usually goes to sleep on her own. I love sleep.
She knows what "no" means and she understands "come here." She forgets quickly though and has to be reminded every few seconds not to do something or that she needs to come here, haha. I can't believe how much she has changed in ten short months. People told me that pregnancy would go by fast, it did not. After the baby comes out, that's when time flies! Being parents is the best.