Wednesday, March 18, 2015

13 Month Update

I want to keep updating this blog at least once a month, but now that Quinn is one, I need to come up with titles for my posts because I think it'd be annoying if I kept doing what I was doing and named this one "13 months." 

Quincy is so funny. I love playing with her every day. She loves books lately. She will come over to me many times throughout the day carrying a book because she wants me to read it to her. Or she just wants to sit and turn the pages. Sometimes she lets me read it in the order it's supposed to go, but she always tries to turn the pages before I'm done reading each page. Other times she will just flip to a page and she wants me to read what's on it. I end up reading the same pages over and over again. 

It seems she always wants me to be involved in what she is doing. If she's reading she is sitting on my lap most of the time. Today I was laying on the ground on my stomach and she came over with a book and she wanted to be on my lap but I didn't have a lap so she sat on my arm. And then she kept trying to sit on my back but she would tip over and fall off, it was so funny. 

She says the word "no" sometimes. And that's about the only word she says other than "mama." I know she knows what I'm saying sometimes. If I tell her to get in the bath she knows that we are going upstairs. If I tell her we are going outside she walks over to the door. She loves to go outside. She likes to walk up and down the sidewalk in front of our apartment. She likes the slides at the park, but she doesn't know how to get up to the them so I end up just picking her up and putting her on them over and over again until I get tired of it and then I take her somewhere else in the park. 

She is pretty good at communicating what she wants. She points to things and she has her own little words for certain things. I feel like her and I have our own little inside jokes. Sometimes she'll look at me with her lips pursed and she breathes really fast in and out of her nose. And I'll do the same thing back to her. Or I can start and she'll copy me and we both laugh. She dances by shaking her head back and forth to music. 

She used to love blueberries. We would buy a frozen bag of blueberries at Costco just for her and she would eat them every morning with breakfast. Last week she decided she didn't want any more blueberries. I've cut them up and put them in her Kodiak Power Cakes (if you haven't tried these you should get them, they are healthy protein waffle/pancake mix). I think I may try to sneak other fruit in her by putting them in her pancakes because I have a hard time getting her to eat enough fruits and veggies. She'll try any food but she doesn't always like it. 

If you are a guy probably don't read this next part. She has been weaned from nursing for about a month now. I know that just a few months ago I wrote about how sad I would be when she was no longer nursing, and I thought I would be. I thought I would keep doing it through the spring at least. Then the week that she turned one I got a plugged duct, twice. She was only nursing twice a day and I was surprised and annoyed that I got a block. I've had mastitis like four times and suddenly I just decided I was done. I didn't want to nurse anymore. I wrestled with it for a couple of days, I knew how good it was for her and how it helps her immune system. I did want to lose a few more pounds though and I worried that breastfeeding was keeping me from losing the last couple. I have been doing the 12 week challenge at the gym since January. I now weigh 3-4 pounds less than I did when I got pregnant. I think it is possible to lose all the weight when you're breastfeeding I just didn't decide to be disciplined enough to make it happen. There was a little voice in my head that kept telling me I could eat extra calories because I was nursing. Anyways, I cut back from two feedings a day to one and we did that for a couple of days. At first I thought my boobs would explode for a day or two but then it was fine so I cut back to nursing once every other day. We did that for four days. Again it was painful for a day but then it got better. So I did every two days for a week and then I just stopped nursing completely. My boobs did ache for awhile after I quit but they weren't getting full of milk like they had been. I am STILL making milk... but hardly any. Apparently it takes forever for your body to stop producing. I had to get a new bra. Let me just say, they are way different than before I got pregnant. None of my old bras fit. Which sucks because I had just gotten some nice ones right before I got pregnant. I went and got fitted and I went from a 34 to a 36. Pregnancy made my ribcage wider. I really did love nursing though, and I'm grateful I was able to do it. 

Squatting is the best position for reading.

 Um yes, her room is a disaster. I hate cleaning it because she goes in there and just takes everything out of its place. She takes the dirty clothes out, pulls all her cubbies out, etc. I bought her this bikini at Target and it is SO CUTE! No, I don't think it's immodest for babies to wear bikinis. She is a baby. She could be in a diaper and no one would care. 
 Her belly!! 
 She has chocolate on her face.
 We had stake conference last week, and regional conference two weeks before that, so we just go straight into the multi-purpose room at church and turn on the speaker. We can't get through a Sacrament meeting unless we get a bench to keep her contained. If we're in the back on metal chairs, forget it. It's not happening. 

She's sitting in her stroller, which was obviously made for her to sit in. You can't tell, but her baby is underneath her. Smh.

 She was trying to climb in it and the stroller rolled away from her somehow.
She got stuck like this, her leg was hooked on part of it and it was rolling away from her pulling her into the splits, hahaha. 

Sometimes she gets mad that she is trapped in the family room and I am in the kitchen, and she yells and also presses her mouth and nose against the bar. 

She is just silly. She loves to color. She found a pen one day and she kept trying to write on a piece of paper she had found, I didn't even know she knew that pens write on paper. We will have to get her a coloring book and some crayons. 

I can't think of a title for this post. Is it more dumb if I call it "The Last Month and a Half" or "13 months?"