Tuesday, May 12, 2015

14-15 Months

Quincy is 15 months old. She has learned so much so fast. She almost always knows what we are saying to her. I ask her if she's hungry, and she runs over to her high chair. Or, if she is hungry she goes over there and asks to be put in. She knows what it means if I tell her we are going outside, or that she needs a bath, time to brush her teeth, or if I tell her it's time for bed. She always grabs my purse when we are getting ready to leave the house. 

She knows where things go around the house and she loves to help. If she finds garbage on the floor, she will pick it up and go over to the garbage can and try to throw it away (it's bigger than she is). She loves to clean up her toys. This is not something that I taught her or tried to teach her. She just likes to organize things. When she doesn't want to finish her food, she puts the food in the cupholder of the tray in her high chair. If I ignore her for too long, she throws it on the ground. I always find her binkies in weird places, she puts them in drawers throughout the house. She loves to store things in the side of our bed between the frame and the mattress. The other day I could not find one of her shirts anywhere, I was so confused. Then I found it in the side of the bed along with a bunch of her books, socks, and binkies. I have to keep buying more binkies because they disappear. She has a little suitcase that she got for Christmas and she loves pulling it around. She also tries to climb on top of it. She loves climbing, she always tries to climb on top of the dishwasher lid. 
Underneath her is her baby doll and a book. 

She loves her baby, I always ask her where her baby is and she goes and finds her and then talks in a really high pitched voice and hugs her. 

She talks all the time, but not in English. She will look right in my eyes and jabber stuff and I respond to her and she'll walk away. Then she comes back and says the same thing and I just tell her 'ok' and she looks happy and continues playing. She does say a few words. One of her most frequent phrases for awhile was "what's that?" She would point at everything and ask what's that? She also says "mama" and "no." She says "no" at times that don't really make sense. But if she really doesn't want something, she will shake her head back and forth and wave her arms in front of her really fast. 

Yesterday, I was moving laundry and she always watches me. If I dropped a sock, she picked it up and put it in the basket for me. When I was done, she tried to pick up the basket full of clothes. She knows whether certain foods go in the freezer or the fridge. If I have chicken out and I go to put some back in the freezer, she runs over to the freezer door. 

She always eats crumbs out of her high chair. If she's just playing in the kitchen, she will go over to her high chair and reach for crumbs. Or she eats them off the ground. She's actually eating something she found on the ground right now. 

She went through a phase where she was obsessed with books. I got her books for Easter and she was so excited. She would bring over a book to Kelly or I multiple times a day and yell at us until we read it. She knows if we don't read what the page says too, she will stay on the certain page until we read the words. I've tried to make stuff up before because I'd get sick of reading the same thing over and over. I bought those books for her but they were really a gift for myself so I'd have something new to read. I got sick of them pretty fast though. Then just last week she stopped begging me to read books multiple times a day. We still read before bedtime and she likes it. She always tries to turn the pages though before I'm done reading each one. 

She gives kisses by tapping her face to your face. She will wave sometimes. The only time she really waves is to the old people that sit behind us in the bench at church. She waves at them all the time and they wave back at her. 

She loves to wear things around her neck. If it's long enough, it goes around her neck. Kelly's belt, my pajama pants, and other ribbons have all been one of her scarves. She does this basically every day. 

She is starting to get some independence, she doesn't want us to help her do certain things. We were eating out at a restaurant and we kept trying to help her with her kid's cup so she wouldn't tip it over too far and spill it, and she was pretty mad and yanked it back away from us. I am trying to let her learn to use a spoon. I give her applesauce and yogurt and leave her with a spoon. She just like taps it into the food and then licks it off. She gets frustrated after awhile and asks me to help her eat it. I probably should have started letting her try to use a spoon sooner. 

Every day we are thankful that we are her parents. We love her to pieces.