It's been over six months since I last updated the blog. A lot has happened since then. I'm almost seven months pregnant with a baby boy. He is due May 15. This pregnancy has gone really well. It's been easier than last time, I didn't get as sick. I have gained a ton of weight though. I haven't stepped on the scale for a couple of weeks because I'm scared. I think I weigh as much now as I did at the very end with Quinn. Yikes. I've stayed active this whole pregnancy, so I thought I wouldn't put on as much weight. I don't know if it's because I'm having a boy, but I've been super hungry this time. Hopefully now that the baby is bigger I won't be able to stuff my face as much because I won't be able to breathe if I do. Let me just say that staying active makes a huge difference during pregnancy. I had so many aches and pains last time that I didn't experience this time. If I was lazy for a few days I'd start to feel some pain in my hips and back but then if I got up and exercised and stretched it would go away. It's nice to be able to feel strong. Unfortunately, for the last three weeks I've had quite a few brixton-hicks contractions. They say if you have more than four in an hour than you need to call the doctor. I have them every time I roll over, bend over, sit up, stand up, walk. They go away if I lay down. They checked me two weeks ago to make sure I wasn't dilated and I'm not. Not even close. So I've been given the OK to go about life as normal and I can do light exercise. I just walk now. I used to yoga but that gives me a lot of contractions and it's uncomfortable. The doctor said if the contractions ever don't go away when I lay down then that would be an issue and I'd need to go in. Other than that, this baby and I have been healthy. He is a lot bigger than Quinn I think. The ultrasound tech said 68th percentile. Quinn was 18th. I have another ultrasound tomorrow, they saw that there was a slight dilation in the calyces of his kidneys. That's the part that connects to the ureter and then to the bladder. They said it usually goes away on its own so that's what they are checking for tomorrow. Hopefully it has gone away, I researched it and found that sometimes it can cause urine to back up into the kidneys. If it's not gone tomorrow I think they will do another ultrasound on him after he is born.
We now live in Boardman, OR. The only good thing about this town is that it is right on the mighty Columbia River. That picture is of Mt. Hood. Kelly took it one night while we were out walking along the marina. Kelly's job brought us to this town. Never tell your husband where you don't want to live, because you will end up living there. That's what happened to me. I told him I never wanted to live in Oregon, especially eastern Oregon, which is a wasteland, and here we are.
Obviously, I wasn't brought here against my will, it's just funny how life works out. Before I told him I never wanted to live in Oregon, I told him I never wanted to live in southeast Idaho. After going to school in Rexburg, I was sick of the cold. I was wrong about Idaho though, we loved it there. I miss our old friends and our old life a lot more than I ever thought I would. We have been in Oregon since the middle of December, and I have my doubts about coming to love this place as much as I loved our home in Pocatello, but I know we are where we are supposed to be for now. We will probably live here anywhere from 3-5 years.
Upon moving here, I'd decided I would give up any hope of teaching group fitness while we lived here. We are about 50 minutes from the closest gym that has Les Mills classes and child care. I felt that it wouldn't be fair to Quinn or our little boy that we will be having, to drive an hour, spend an hour teaching, and then drive an hour home. I remembered how hard it was trying to fit in a workout when Quinn was a newborn, and we only lived one minute away from the gym. I would feed her right before I left, and then by the time I got home she was screaming for food again. She was a super grumpy baby though and I'm really hoping this baby is happier. And that he will take a bottle. I was really sad for the first few weeks after we got here, I missed being a part of the gym. I missed having meetings, and goals to work on, and the people I worked with. I couldn't figure out what to do with myself to make me feel better. Then I just decided that maybe it is worth the sacrifice to drive so far to a gym if it means that I can have something that is mine besides being a stay at home mom. I know that that is the most important job but I also know that my kids need a happy, healthy mom. I filled out an application to Gold's Gym and I drove there to talk to the GGX manager. I was five months pregnant and I told her I obviously wasn't in shape at the moment, but I would be after I had my baby and that I missed teaching so much. She was super nice and told me that they could use me on their team. I will go back there after I have this baby and talk to her again. I'm hoping to be back to teaching again this fall. I think I can make it work just going there 1-2 days a week. Quinn misses the kids klub and I actually think she'd love getting out of the house. In the meantime, I'll just keep my fingers crossed that this baby won't mind long drives and will take a bottle! Long drives are just part of our life now.

Quinn and Landon are so cute! This was at Jordan's wedding a few weeks ago. One nice thing about being here is that we get to see our family a lot more. Quinn loves her cousins and asks about them all the time. She calls Landon "wannen" and Logan is "woga." She calls my mom "maga" and my dad is "Pa." She calls Kelly's dad "Pa Scott." She called me "monna" up until about two weeks ago. Now I am "mom." She talks a lot. When she says "love you" it sounds like "wah ner," which is almost exactly the same way she says "water." She can't say her "Ls" or her "Rs." She calls wipes "yops" for some reason. When she says grapes it sounds like "gips." She reverses some of her words. For a long time instead of saying "diaper" she said "perda." A fish is a "shoff" and a cup is a "pook." After she poops she tells me that she "poot." We tried potty training awhile ago but she is still too short to climb on the toilet even with a little step stool. Hopefully she will grow a little bit and then we can get her potty trained in the next month or two.
Her birthday was a few weeks ago and since then she likes to sing "happy day you!!!!" She loves to sing songs. She knows a few of her letters, colors, and numbers. She knows square, circle, triangle, star, heart, and pentagon. She loves ketchup! When we go out to eat we usually just order her a side of fries with ketchup and she is good to go. Her favorite other favorite foods are yogurt, fruit snacks, and pizza. She asks for yogurt and fruit snacks every single day. If you ask her how old she is she says "toop." She is learning to say prayers and it's the sweetest thing. She is obsessed with mickey mouse. She calls him "chissy mouse."
She has ice cream in her armpit.
She loves fruit snacks so much she even wants to wear them.
This was her Christmas dress. She loves getting dressed up. She brings me her church shoes all the time and asks to wear them. She really likes to pick her own clothes and I let her most days. Half of the time her clothes match. She always gets matching socks though.
She has great taste in hats. That was my hat in the 90s.
We tell her that she is going to have a baby brother all the time. If we ask her where her baby brother is she points to my belly. I'm pretty sure she doesn't know what a brother is.
She cups her hands in front of her, shrugs her shoulders, tips her chin down and looks up at me and says, "I wanna hold you" when she wants me to pick her up. Which I don't do very much anymore because I am weak and because she weighs 29 pounds. I just took the TV remote from her and she yelled at me that I was in trouble. She tells her dad to "GO PLAY!" a lot. And she tells us to go to our rooms. She thinks she is in charge. I don't know why she yells it at us though it's not like we yell at her that she is in trouble.
I feel bad for not updating my blog before now, because I know I've already forgotten some of the little things that she did. Here's to being better about that!