Quinn turned three months old last week.
She is very happy when she sees us in the morning. Whether it's 4:00 am and I'm changing her diaper, or it's 9:00, she smiles at me as soon as she sees me.

I accidentally cut her finger instead of her nail the other day. There was a lot of blood for such a tiny finger, and I felt terrible. It's rather difficult to put a bandaid on a tiny finger.
She kept sucking on her bandaid, which is kind of gross. It got all soggy so the blood kept seeping through and getting on her clothes. She wore three outfits that day. She also went through a couple of different bandages, because they would fall off once they got too soggy.
Most mornings I lay her on the bed next to me, and she plays and tells me about her dreams.
I started laying her down for naps in her crib so she could get used to it. Unfortunately, she only sleeps for about a half hour in there. Also, the baby monitor creeps me out! So I gave up and let her continue to take naps in the swing, where she will sleep for a couple of hours.
She likes her carseat.
She weighed 11 lbs 11 oz at her two month check up. That put her close to the 80th percentile for weight. I'm guessing she's just over 12 lbs now.
Daddy's got her all tucked up like a football.
I put her in her Jenny Jump-Up the other day, and this happened. I thought it was really funny.
Quinn is a pretty happy baby. She gets angry when she is tired or hungry, or if she wants to play when mommy is trying to do something else. She loves to stand with mom or dad's help, it's her favorite. We try to entice her to roll over by placing toys just out of her reach, but she could care less about them. She would rather play with her hands. She is kind of starting to kick one leg over and tip on her side though, so I think she is getting close. She hates tummy time, so I don't really make her do it. She still only sleeps around three or four hours at a time at night before she wakes up to eat, but she falls back asleep fairly quickly now.
She's doing really well, and I can't get enough of her. I love being able to stay at home with her. I love watching her learn about her world. We take her on hikes, and she just looks all around, soaking in all of the new surroundings.
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