I am so not on the ball! Quincy turned 9 months old last Tuesday! It's not like I'm super busy or anything, it's the fact that when I know I need to do something on a certain day or by a certain time, it kind of feels like homework so I put it off. It's pathetic, I know. That gives you an idea of what I was like in college. And high school, and all school, ever.
That's me three days before Quincy was born. I thought it'd be fun to compare 9 months in, and 9 months out!! I can't believe she's actually been with me for 18 months. 5 weeks post conception, the baby's heart starts to beat. Her little heart has been beating for a year and a half!! Amazing.
As Quincy grows, she just gets more fun!! Her little personality is so funny to me. She is very busy! She follows me all over the house. We put gates up to block her off from the kitchen and the stairs, but man she really loves the kitchen. If I have the dishwasher open, she wants to grab all the dishes out. So I either shut her out of the kitchen or give her snacks and leave her in her high chair. She LOVES taking everything out of the drawers in the kitchen. She used to only empty out the bottom one, but now she's figured out how to get to the next one up. So I clean up the kitchen like three times a day. I could just shut her out but she is learning and it's fun to watch her. She also loves the bathroom drawers. Long gone are the days I could go to the bathroom in peace. If I shut the door, she cries because she feels left out or something. If I leave it open, she crawls right up to me and stands up right in front of me banging her hands on my knees and stares at me. I just feel like I shouldn't be looking into someone's face that closely while I'm going to the bathroom. She always heads for nasty stuff in the bathroom like the plunger and the garbage. So gross. I spray everything with 409 regularly just in case she sneaks past me and gets to it.
She likes to crawl even in the bathtub. The bath toys I gave her aren't enough, she needs to get to my shampoo. She even stands up in the bathtub, and in shopping carts. So now she rides in the basket of the cart most of the time.
She likes to help with the laundry too, by pulling all of the clothes out of the basket piece by piece. The other day, I was folding laundry and she was on the ground, pulling all the clothes out and she started playing peekaboo with me! I've never really played it with her, but she had a shirt or something and she would hold it up in front of her face and then pull it down and smile. She did it like twenty times in a row. Now she does it at least once a day with random objects like my cell phone. I have an iPhone 6 so it does pretty much cover her whole face, haha.
She walks along the furniture pretty well now. For the last month or so she wouldn't go around the corners of the coffee table, but Kelly kept trying to lure her around them by placing his phone just out of her reach until she would go around the corner. After a day or two she did it. Once she got it, the next day she just kept smiling and doing laps around the coffee table, it was so cute!! She was very excited once she realized she could do it.
We took a little family vacation to SunValley, ID this last weekend. We just wanted to get away for the weekend, and we'd never been to Sun Valley so we thought we'd go see what it was all about. We planned our trip a few months ago. We knew we wanted to take a vacation this fall, and our plan is to try to do something at least once a year. Doing stuff together as a family is what makes memories, and keeps you close together, I think. So I hope we always get to have fun and that our family will always enjoy going places and doing things together.
That was my hat when I was a baby :)
It was really cold there!! We stayed at the Tamarack Lodge in Ketchum, and it was right in the middle of everything so we just walked most places we wanted to go to. But it was 5 degrees on Saturday morning, and I asked Kelly if it was child abuse or something to have Quinn in the stroller while it was that cold! She was pretty bundled up, but my face was numb so hers probably was too, although she never indicated if it was bothering her. Then I saw a few other people with their babies in strollers and I didn't feel bad anymore. The people there live a different lifestyle compared to the one we live in Pocatello! The other strollers I saw were super fancy jogging strollers, probably with a leather hand grab, and we had a plain old Graco stroller. How embarrassing. Just kidding, our stroller is great. We went into a few stores and in one of them was a little girl who was probably two and she was wearing Uggs. Quinn was wearing little boots from Kmart, they were $12.99. Later, we were in a restaurant and it was kind of dark and a lady was like, "oh, your baby's little Uggs are so cute!" I guess they just assume? I don't have anything against Uggs. I just don't want to spend $100+ on shoes when they grow out of them after one season. We went to breakfast one morning and there was a little family in front of us waiting to order. They had a little boy and then a tiny baby asleep in her carseat. The mom was super skinny. I could hardly believe she had a baby that young. Then she ordered kale with quinoa for breakfast. I got a cinnamon roll with a burrito, haha. Which tells you everything you need to know about why I look the way I do, haha. Anyways, Sun Valley is beautiful. I'd love to go back when it's warmer and do some hiking or something.
I saw Quinn start dancing for the first time today. A commercial came on with a song and she started waving her arms up and down with a smile on her face. It was so cute!!
Also, she totally knows what the word "no" means. She usually stops what she's doing when I say it, but then looks up at me and jabbers something, and then she starts to do it again.
She is much more coordinated. She can pick up cheerios and eat them all by herself!
She says "mama" a lot now, or she says "mamamamamama" or "mahhhhmm!" I think she knows what it means. Even if she doesn't, it's still so cute to have her crawl up to me saying it. She allows us to hold her a lot more than she used to. She will sit on my or Kelly's lap and watch TV for a little bit, or play with a toy. She used to never sit still. Also, she needs me to sing her to sleep quite often now. It calms her down. Nothing used to calm that child down. I sing two songs to her, one is called "Angel Lullaby" and my grandma used to sing it to me when I was little. The other one is called "What Heaven Sees In You." It's an EFY song. I used to listen to it while I was pregnant and cry my eyes out. Sometimes I still tear up while I sing it to my sweet little girl, but it just represents everything that I want for my baby. I hope she remembers the lyrics of the song long after she gets too big for me to sing her to sleep and that they help her make the right choices so that she can be happy.
When Quinn was born, both of her tear ducts were clogged. One cleared up pretty quick, the other stayed plugged until about a month ago. It finally cleared up. And then she got a cold, and both of her eyes got pretty goopy again. One cleared up after a week, but the other wasn't- the same one that had just recently unclogged. Then her eye started swelling up and it was so goopy she couldn't open it in the mornings. I took her to the doctor and she had an ear infection in one, with one starting in the other, and her eye was infected. They put her on augmentin to kill the infection and unfortunately that gave her diarrhea. I had to clean up blowouts almost daily for the first time since she was a newborn. Not fun. Especially now that she is mobile and her poop can get places. Her eye looked better the day after we started her antibiotics though. It's completely cleared up now. I think they upset her tummy because she's been waking up twice during the night. I had my first night of uninterrupted sleep the day she turned 9 months old, but she hasn't done it since because that next day she started the antibiotics. Today is the last day of them so I'm hoping for more nights of uninterrupted sleep soon!
An update on me, I guess it really does take 9 months for your body to get back to the way it was. Obviously everyone is different but I finally am feeling like myself again. I've noticed little things are back to the way they used to be before I ever became pregnant. Like my voice isn't as nasally. It's nice. And I don't get as angry, haha. I lost five more pounds last month without really changing much about the way I work out or eat. Quinn's nursing slowed down quite a bit so I guess my hormones finally decided they'd let my body let go of a little more fat. So now I'm 3-4 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. Also I fit back into my old skinny jeans. Things still aren't the same though, my hips are probably just permanently wider. It is what it is! I feel really good.
We are all doing great!! Just living and loving life :)
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