Quincy turned 11 months old a couple days ago. All I can think about it how I am about to have a one year old! It was around this time last year that I can vividly remember being pregnant and counting down to the day I would finally have my baby. Anyways, it goes by fast, everyone already knows that. It goes by in a blur too, I hardly remember anything clearly other than the first few weeks after we brought her home. Time just flew by in a sleep-deprived blur of events. I'm glad I've taken the time to write things down at least once a month because you think you will remember, but you won't!!!
She started walking on January 6th. One month after she took her first steps. That day she wouldn't let me sit her down she had to stay standing and she kept taking steps over and over. She's gotten better every day since! I think it was that same day that she refused to let me feed her. Not even from her beloved baby food pouches. I just bought some of the reusable ones a month ago and I was pretty pleased with myself, thinking how handy they would be. They were pretty nice to have for about three weeks. So then I had to try to figure out how to get her to eat healthy things that she could feed herself, because mostly she just wanted teddy grahams. I make her smoothies with soy milk and frozen fruit. We've also discovered that she likes toast, grilled cheese, scrambled eggs, and she LOVES vanilla soy milk. I tasted it, I don't think it's very good, but she gulps it down fast. She insists on eating whatever mom and dad are eating. If we have something different than she does on her tray, then she yells at us until we give her some of our food. She doesn't always like it, but she has to be given the option of tasting it I guess. I have a cute picture of her eating lasagna but my pictures are having trouble uploading so I may have to come back and add them to this post later. When do babies start using a spoon? I give her one, and she just moves it out of her way.
Quinn loves to play peek-a-boo. She'll start playing it multiple times throughout the day. She ducks her head down with a little smirk on her face, and then pops her head up with a huge smile. I love it. I always try to stop what I'm doing if she wants to play peek-a-boo for a minute. She's become much more cuddly. She lays her head on my shoulder often throughout the day. I have to sit on the floor if I'm going to be in the same room with her, because she always comes over to sit on my lap for about two seconds before going off to play again. She gets kind of mad if I'm on the couch where she can't get to me. She always tries to bring her toys over to me so she can sit on my lap and play with them, no matter how big they are. She'll drag a laundry basket across the room to be closer to me while she plays with it. She clicks her tongue all the time, and loves if you do it back to her.
She's getting so silly. The other night she was taking a bath and she always wants to play with my big shampoo and conditioner bottles. They are almost as big as she is, but she likes to lift them up and then she lowers one over the side of the tub until it just touches the floor, and then she pulls it back in. I don't know why.
It's been terrible trying to change her diaper most of the time. Or get her dressed. She hates laying down on the changing table. I have to find things for her to play with or else I end up sitting on her on the floor while she kicks her legs and I try to strap her diaper on straight. It's a workout.
She has been sleeping through the night pretty consistently since we got back from Washington. Her schedule totally changed after we went there, she goes to bed around 9:00 and wakes up around 8:30. I like it better than waking up at 7:00, that's for sure. She still wakes up around 7:00 in the morning but I go in she nurses and then falls back to sleep for awhile longer. I can actually get up and get things done before she is up. I could have done that before but I didn't want to. We were playing downstairs a couple of days ago and she crawled over to the gate at the bottom of the stairs and started whining. So I opened it and she crawled up the stairs and right into her bedroom and she grabbed a binki. So I put her in her crib and when I closed the door she was just sitting in her crib, but she took a nap! I couldn't believe it. Maybe she has more of me in her than we thought. I loved sleep as a child, and I still do. Since then she's been napping without nursing first, and she goes down pretty easily. It's nice. Speaking of nursing though, I'm having mixed feelings about weaning her. She really only nurses about 2-3 times in a 24 hour period now. I really love nursing, there is something so sweet about it. I also love that it helps her immune system right now when there are so many things going around. However, she has had eight teeth for a couple of months now and they are pretty long so it's not always that comfortable anymore. I don't know when exactly I'll wean her. I know that I will miss it though when I do. She just got four molars this week too. I try to brush her teeth but I forget a lot and also she hates it.
She loves going to the Kid's Klub at Gold's. She gets really excited when we walk up to the door. She whines at me when I leave but she's always happy when I come and pick her up. I was watching the video monitor today while I was working out and I saw another little girl hugging her and bringing her toys, it was so cute!! I got hired to teach PiYo at Gold's. I start this coming Monday. I'll be teaching at 6:15 am. Time to become a morning person!! I'm really excited to be teaching again, and to get to work with some people that I know will make me better at what I love doing!
We feel very blessed! I don't know how life could get much better than this. :)
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