Alright, joke's on you You deleted your app, so I had to use the mobile browser to update my blog and if I wanted to add pictures, I had to use google plus, which I hate. Turns out I can copy and paste pictures right into here (don't know why I didn't think of that sooner). Also, I now have a keyboard that connects to my iPad through Bluetooth so this will go much faster than before. Your mobile website still sucks and I hate it. I know you just deleted your app because you want to force people into using google plus. Ugh.
Anyways, Jameson turned five months old this week. I can hardly believe he has been here for that long. It goes by so much faster with the second child. He has grown super fast. He is 17 lbs, 14 oz. I don't know what percentile that is, but at 4 months he was in the 84th for weight, 88th for height, and 99.9th for head size. Boy's got a huge head! But that's alright, because according to a study that shared, babies with bigger heads are smarter. Jameson is currently wearing 9 month clothes. We had to buy him a bigger car seat because he looked like he was squished in the first one he had, even though it's supposed to hold up to 30 lbs.
Speaking of car seats, baby boy does not like the car. He screamed as we were putting him in his car seat at the hospital. Let me tell you, it sucks to have a baby that doesn't like the car when you live 45 minutes from everything. I go to the tri cities 2-3 times a week. About a month ago, I bought him a zipadee zip. It's a swaddle transition sleep sack that he sleeps in, and also he can wear it while in his car seat. He finally started sleeping in the car if he is wearing it, which has made my life a little easier. He still doesn't sleep that well in the car though, often waking up after 40 minutes.
Quinn was the opposite, she still falls asleep in the car all the time and sleeps like a champ in there. However, she has decided she no longer needs naps. Except she does. She turns into a bear every afternoon now. I try to get her to take a nap and she just goes into her room and plays or fake cries for two hours. Depending on the day, I might leave her in there for that long because I just want to be alone for a little bit. She gets really naughty late in the day because she is tired. You'd think she might sleep in because she doesn't nap anymore. Nope. This morning she was up at 5:30. I had just been up feeding Jameson, and I was walking to the bathroom. It was super dark in the house and I wasn't wearing my glasses so I could see nothing. The house was quiet and all of a sudden there was a little girl voice right in front of me coming from the dark and it scared the crap out of me. I told her she could go potty and then she needed to go back to bed. She went into her room and then fake cried for awhile. Why is she waking up so early?! How does she even know it's morning, it's pitch black outside! Sometimes when she wakes up in the middle of the night and she needs to go to the bathroom, she'll cry in her room until I come get her and take her. Then she says, "I seepa good!" And I'm like, "it's 2:00 am, you're going back to bed." She just assumes that because she is awake everyone else should be awake. No. She comes into our room and climbs in our bed and it'd be fine if she did that and just laid there with us. But she doesn't. She asks for a waffle or for Mickey Mouse and she repeats herself until you give up.
Quinn is obsessed with Mickey Mouse. Which is fine with me, that show is educational. She learned to count by watching it. I tried to teach her to count had just yelled at me. She has a little stuffed Mickey and she sleeps with him. I have seen her folding his arms when we are praying. Sometimes I find him on my bed with her blanket all tucked around him.One day she had him in the car and we had eaten McDonald's. She asked for a napkin and wiped her hands and then she wiped his hands.
Back to Jameson, he is the happiest baby. He smiles at everyone all the time. Sometimes, if he wants you to look at him, he will look at you and just start laughing and of course you laugh back and then he laughs back and on it goes. He LOVES Quinn. He watches her every move. She, on the other hand, is not his biggest fan. He smiles at her and talks and I say, "Quinn, look at him, he's happy to see you! Say hi!" And she says, "no. I don't wanna say hi." Every once in awhile she'll go up to him and talk to him and give him toys, but she doesn't like doing it if she thinks I'm watching. Real mature, Quinn. She does give him a kiss goodnight sometimes. After family prayers, she gives Kelly and I kisses on the cheek, and she leans toward Jameson's room where he is sleeping and she pretends to give him a kiss, which is adorable. So at least there is that.
Jameson found his feet this month, and he also loves to blow spit bubbles and make spitting noises. He squeals and yells a lot. He can roll over, although he hates to be on his tummy. Sometimes he pins his arms underneath him on accident, and then he cries because he can't move.
Ok. Maybe I can't copy and paste pictures into here. I just looked at "preview" and you can't even see the pictures. I hate you And I blame this town that we live in, that has horrible wifi options so we just canceled our wifi and sold our computer because we couldn't even use it. If we had a computer with wifi, I could put pictures on here.
Well, two kids is harrrd. I can't imagine having another one, although I am sure that I will. For awhile there I really felt like they were sucking the life out of me and that they want me to die. Last month, after I bought the zippy, Jameson started to finally take good naps. That same week, Quinn decided she no longer needed naps. I want to cry just thinking about it. If you don't have kids you might not think it's a big deal, but it's really nice to have time during the day when no one is touching you or demanding attention. I fantasize about going to a hotel and taking an uninterrupted nap. And maybe eating a meal during which I won't have to get up. And then eating lots of ice cream without Quinn in my ear constantly repeating the phrase, "I want bite. I want bite. I want bite." Sometimes at night, when they are both asleep, I just want to go eat stuff because it sounds so fun to eat something without having to share it. You know your life is exciting when you fantasize about eating and watching TV alone, haha. I really do love my life. I love my babies. I wouldn't want to be doing anything else.
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