Thursday, June 12, 2014

4 Months

Quincy Grace turned four months old yesterday! I can hardly believe how much she has grown. She has had a lot of firsts within the last week. We were visiting Washington last week when my mom got her to giggle for the first time! It was adorable, of course. After the first time she did it, I kept trying to get her to laugh and I finally did a few days later. It's so funny to me what will make her laugh. She likes being tossed in the air, and she laughs if you look at her suddenly and say hi or boo or pretty much anything. 

She talks all the time. In the mornings, she likes to stand or sit up and tell me all about her dreams. She's also started yelling a lot. She yells before she cries most of the time. 

She rolled over for the first time at my mom's house. She hates tummy time but she slowly rolled over and found her way out of it. We were all gathered around her cheering her on while she kind of cried until she landed on her back. Then we all clapped for her, lol. 

We were sitting in church and I had Quinn in my lap. She was tired so I was holding her on her side, facing towards me. She usually turns her head into me when she's tired and she wants her binki. She did this, so I tried to give her her binki but then she looked up at me and smiled. Then she hid again when I looked at her.  She kept turning away smiling when I looked down at her and then she'd look back up at me until I looked at her again. She did this like 20 times! She was playing her own form of peek a boo with me. I kind of thought she didn't really ever know what she was doing, but she does! I feel like she's getting so smart. My baby is a genius. 

My baby is also a terrible napper. She wakes up after 45 minutes. Then she gets cranky because she's still tired but most of the time, I can't get her to go back to sleep. I do not believe in crying it out. I have been reading Elizabeth Pantley's book about no cry sleeping, and it has some really good tips so we have been slowly making some progress. I did try letting her cry it out once or twice after being super exhausted, but I just ended up sobbing too and I won't do it again. Babies don't cry just to cry, they cry because they need your help. Their brain is going through huge developments and eventually they will want to be more independent. For now though, she needs to know that I am there for her when she needs me. She will learn to sleep on her own someday. I did start giving her a little bit of rice cereal before bedtime and that has made a huge difference. I don't believe that she wasn't getting what she needed from my milk, I just think that the slower digesting rice cereal compared to my breastmilk that is 90% water keeps her fuller for longer. There is nothing that meets my baby's nutritional needs better than my own milk though. Studies have shown that babies don't wake up from hunger, they just wake up sometimes. All I know is that the first night I gave her cereal, she didn't wake up until 2:00 in the morning. After that she didn't sleep that great but it's so much better than she used to be. It also doesn't help that she is super squirmy as she falls asleep and pulls her binki out all the time. We will get there. 

Here are some pictures from the last month! 

Is there anything cuter than a baby wrapped up in their baby towel?! 

She loves the bumbo seat! And she's getting really chunky, haha. That shiny part on her chest is drool. She drools all the time, and she always has her fingers in her mouth. I keep checking to see if she is teething, but she's just a drooler. 

She is still in the rock n play. I try to switch her over to a flat mattress, but no luck so far. I guess we will get there someday, she won't fit in that thing forever. 

 I love these pictures! Thanks to grandpa Scott for taking them :) 

Looking up at great grandma Darlene! 

Quinn never snuggles, unless she has just woken up. But she sat in grandpa's lap just like this for over an hour! She just looked around. My dad was happier about it than he looks in the picture. Also, she does own pajamas, but I think she peed on them. Or maybe it was my mom, who kept taking them off of her while we were there because she thought Quinn looked so cute in just her diaper. 

I love being her mommy! She doesn't let me sleep very often, but I know she doesn't do it on purpose. Also, she could be way worse. She could be better, too, but I think she will always be perfect the way she is!! 

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog!! I can't wait till Elsie plays peek a boo with me. I do have to tell you though I SWEAR by swaddling for sleep. They can't startle themselves or punch themselves in the face. Without it, Els can only nap for half hour tops. With it, she naps for so long I have to wake her up. I have been swaddling since birth, and now when I wrap her up sometimes she just conks out because she knows it is sleep time.
