Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Cooking Fails & Other Things

So the other day I liked the Crockpot Girl on Facebook so that I could get awesome recipes right on my homepage. The next day she posted about slow cooker roasted vegetables. I thought it sounded awesome, I love roasted veggies. You just dump whatever veggies you want in the crockpot, drizzle some olive oil and seasonings on them, and then leave it on low for four hours and it's supposed to be just like you roasted then in the oven. How simple. So I thought id try it today with some red potatoes, but then I was too lazy to chop them up so I thought I would just throw in the Normandy blend of frozen vegetables you can buy at Costco. I did that and then I took a nap with Quinn. When I woke up, a very strong broccoli scent assaulted my nose. I went downstairs to look at it, and all the vegetables were super wilted and limp and dis- colored. They definitely didn't look oven roasted. It had been less than two hours. I tasted some and it wasn't good. I thought that maybe Kelly would like it so I left them in the crockpot on warm so that the broccoli smell could seep into the walls. I eventually realized that he probably would not like it, since it was disgusting, and I turned off the crockpot. I told him what happened when he got home and he said "well, it probably would have been good with fresh vegetables. Not frozen ones." Oh. Haha.

Meanwhile, I decided to just boil some red potatoes to go with dinner. Only, every time I've boiled them it takes forever to get them soft. So I thought I should boil them for a good hour, since 30 minutes wasn't doing the trick. I put them on the stove on high and then ran upstairs to go put Quinn down for another nap. She fell asleep pretty fast and I decided to fold laundry before Kelly got home. I ran downstairs and brought it all back up to our room and I was jamming out to some music when the most awful sound attacked my eardrums. 

What is that?!...  The smoke alarm! It's gonna wake up Quinn! What is burning?? The potatoes!!  

Those were the thoughts running through my head. I booked it down the stairs and saw a smoking pan of red potatoes on the stove with no water. I checked the potatoes and they weren't burned too bad and they still weren't done so I got a new pot and filled it with water then put it on medium and went back upstairs. I listened at Quinn's door and I didn't hear anything. How is she still asleep? That child wakes up when my ankle pops as I'm walking out of her room. Maybe she's dead... So I check on her and her eyes are closed, I make sure her chest is rising and falling, and sure enough, she is alive. She slept through the smoke alarm. Good job Quinn. 

I also burned the oil I was heating up to fry fish for dinner, but nothing bad really happened. I just dumped it out and started over. The fish and the potatoes were good. I'm probably an unfit mother though. Thank goodness for smoke alarms. 

Basically the only other thing I have to talk about besides my cooking fails is holy cow, I get really lonely sometimes! I love staying home with Quinn. It's exhausting a lot of times but I don't want a break from it or anything. I just miss people! I feel like I've had this problem since I had her, where now when I actually get to talk to people, whether it's visiting teachers or the people at the kids klub at the gym, I just over share. It's like I can't stop myself from talking because I'm so excited to finally talk to someone during the day. I get to talk to Kelly, obviously, but I need girl talk. He doesn't really get girl talk... I probably over share on this blog sometimes too. I call my mom a lot and I can tell that after awhile she gets bored and she starts coming up with reasons to get off the phone so I try to think of something interesting to say. Anyways, now that I sound pathetic as ever, I'll end this post. 


  1. Please over share! It's fun to read about your adventures and your sweet baby girl. Are you guys still living in Idaho? Are you all done at BYUI? I miss working with ya. I hope everything else is going well for you.

    1. Thanks Rachel! I graduated last April and now we live in Pocatello. I miss you too! Your little girl is sooo cute!
