Anyways, she has become much more vocal in the last week or two, she chats all the time! I love it. In the morning, I lay her down on the changing table and sometimes she just looks right at me and jibber jabbers and it is the sweetest thing. I think she is telling me about her dreams. She also likes to make high pitched squeaky noises. And she has learned to make popping sounds with her lips, so she does that all the time too. She laughs more than she uses to. I took her to the park the other day and I have a video of her giggling while I pushed her in the swing. I wish the blogger ap would let me add video.
Here she is playing with her friend, Lily! They are only a week apart I think. They took turns stealing toys out of each other's hands. They are too young to he mad about it and I love that. It is the most wonderful thing to watch my baby take in and try to make sense of the world around her.
In my last post, I mentioned that Quinn is sneaky and likes to practice new tricks while she alone in her crib. Sure enough, the first few times I caught her pushing up onto her knees she was in her crib! She did it for about a week in her crib before I snapped this picture of her doing it in the living room this morning.
Here she is laying down watching the baby channel on tv. She likes to keep one or both feet in the air while laying down. This picture shows how out of proportion babies are, her feet are so tiny and her head is so big! I love it. And I love baby skinny jeans.
I think she knows it's faster and easier to just yell for me so I'll help her, maybe that's why she only did it while she was alone.
There she is at church a few weeks ago. Man, church is difficult with this baby. She refuses to nap while we are there and she usually wakes up around 7:00 and church starts at 9:00, right when she needs a nap. I see other moms holding their sleeping babies and I just think how nice that would be. She never just sits to be held. Another reason I am thankful I am able to breastfeed her because that's one of the only times she will relax in my arms. She will get sleepy while I'm holding her afterwards but she doesn't usually like to fall asleep with me, she would rather be in her crib. Which is good, I am glad she likes her crib.
I like this picture because I feel like she kind of looks like me in it. She loves to play with her bath toys! She hates when I lay her down to wash her hair, she just tries to sit up. I finally got a bath mat in there just today because last night I had a little heart attack after she slipped sideways while I wasn't looking! She choked on some water and I freaked out because I read about secondary drowning this summer and I was scared that she was gonna die in her sleep. I called Kelly and he told me she would be fine. Then I called my mom and she said the same thing. So I relaxed and she is still alive today, so that's good. I still have to watch her like a hawk though, she almost fell a bunch of times tonight in her bath because she was trying to get things out of her reach. Like the wall of the bathtub, which she was trying to bite. I think her fourth tooth is about to come in, because she is biting everything again.
Something sweet that she does it she will touch my face so that I look at her. She does this every time I pick her up from the kids klub at the gym, and it is so sweet. I am glad that she misses me :)
She loves to be out and about. She gets bored at home. I take her for walks in the evening before dinner time and she refuses to sit back in her stroller. She just holds on to the tray and leans forward and looks all around. She doesn't want to miss anything! I love my curious baby girl, she brings me so much joy! I am so thankful for a happy, healthy baby!
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