Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Quinn's Birthday

My two babies are getting so grown up. They play together quite a bit. In the picture above they both walked up to me and Quinn said, "we got babies and purses!" Sometimes they play really well together, and other times they fight. Jameson sometimes likes to irritate her on purpose. Yesterday he threw a book at her head three times. *facepalm*

 Jameson's hair was getting really long and he had hair like a man from the 70s. So I attempted to cut it myself, and the picture above is the horrible result. He only had to live with that haircut for about four days before we were able to have a professional fix it. She had to cut it pretty short to cover up my mistakes. Lesson learned. I think he looks so handsome with short hair, although this was about two months ago and now he needs a haircut again. 

Quincy turned four on February 11th. She was sooo excited for her bithday party! She talked about it for months beforehand. We had a party at my mom's house, and all of her grandparents were there, along with aunts and uncles and cousins. We got to my mom's house a few hours before the party would actually start, and all of the little kids were going nuts waiting for the birthday party. When it was finally time for the party to start they were all so excited. When we sang Happy Birthday to Quinn, her smile was so big I thought it might break her face. After everyone finished singing she said, "that was so much fun!"

My mom made the cake and the cupcakes. I was impressed. 100x better than what I could have done. I would have just baked a cake in a 9x13 pan and maybe added food coloring to the frosting to be festive.

One of Quinn's birthday gifts was some play makeup and nail polish. She paints her nails probably three times a week and she wears lipstick and lip gloss almost every day. She is really, really bad at putting on lipstick. It's not like she uses a mirror, but still I would expect less of it to end up on the corners of her mouth. If we have to leave the house after she's recently applied lipstick, I usually wipe it off and she gets mad. She says, "I want my lips to be shiny!" So I try to convince that it's ok to just wear some clear lip gloss but she believes that lipstick has to go underneath so that's a fun argument we get to have. 

Quinn loves to make crafts. She makes a craft anytime I let her use glue, stickers, or scissors. So sometimes she just drizzles glue all over some construction paper and maybe cuts out some of the sides and that's her craft. Jameson loves it to do it as long as Quinn is doing it, too. 

Jameson LOVES trucks. He calls almost every vehicle a "truck" except he says it like "kuck." He has a little hot wheels truck and some days he sleeps with it and carries it around with him all day. We also have a metal tonka truck and he loves to run and push that thing around the house. He also thinks it's funny to crash into your ankles with it, which is actually really painful. I always tell him not to do it, but he just thinks it's funny to keep doing whatever you tell him not to do. Then he gets in trouble and I put him in time out or take away whatever he's playing with and he is always shocked and devastated. So then I feel bad that he's so sad and I usually end up comforting him. He's like a sour patch kid: first he's sour, then he's sweet. He thinks it's funny to hit your face and then laugh and give you a hug. I just don't even know with him. He's such a stinker but then he's so cute and I just love him. 

Last week at church he decided he would sing the closing hymn. His singing is actually just yelling really loud while moving his voice up and down. As the song went on he just got louder. We were laughing but also trying to get him to quiet down. The people sitting behind us were a little older and they told us that in about 15 years, he won't want to sing at all so we should just let him sing. I figure that's probably good advice. I've been trying to live in the moments that only come when your kids are small. Jameson gets upet if we walk through a parking lot without walking over the rock-filled medians or stepping on the curbs of the parking spaces. The other day I was just wanting to get home and I was trying to rush him past all of those things, but then I realized that he's not going to want to do that forever, and it really only takes about 10 extra seconds so I should just let him do it even though it's slightly annoying. 

Quinn actually fell asleep on the couch one day. She never takes naps anymore. We were all sick a few weeks ago and she was up most of the night for two nights. The next day we sat on the couch and watched movies all day. Jameson fell asleep on me at one point and I thought for sure that Quinn would since she'd gotten hardly any sleep the night before. Several times I watched her eyes start to close but then she would shake her head and wake herself up. She still sleeps really well in the car, though. Jameson is the opposite. He usually takes crappy naps in the car.

Quincy's imagination is really getting big. The other day she and I were sitting at the table eating lunch and she kept saying, "mommy, mommy!" "What?" "I'm talking to the cups." She had a little cup and a big cup and the big one was the mom, I guess. She does that stuff all the time now. She's really silly and she loves to make us laugh. She makes up songs and loves to pretend. She loves to have "picnics" in the family room. Basically she just spreads a blanket and she will sit on it with Jameson across from her and they pretend they are eating food. 

We signed Quinn up for soccer and we bought her shin guards and a soccer ball and then a few days before the season was supposed to start, the organization decided to cancel it and refund everyone the registration fee. We were pretty disappointed and we thought Quinn would be, too. But when we told her that she wouldn't be playing soccer she just said, "ok." Like it was no big deal. The YMCA is putting on soccer for her age group this summer so maybe we will have her do that. 

We went to Granny Darline's 84th birthday party last weekend. Quinn loves birthday parties and cupcakes so she had a blast. The kids love being with lots of family. 

Here is a comparison, I took the first picture in May last year and the second picture was taken last week. They change so much in one year. Quinn is carrying a birthday party invitation in her hand in the second picture. She got an invite at the beginning of the week to a party that weekend and she carried that little invitation around everywhere she went. She just loves birthdays. Although it took a little while for her to grasp that the party wasn't for her, it was for her friend. She went with me into the store to buy a present for the party and she started crying when I told her it wasn't for her. I bought her some Easter stickers for 98 cents and told her she could make a craft and she was happy. She keeps asking if it's time for Easter Holiday yet, and if we can color Easter eggs. Her excitement makes the holidays fun. 

My kids love fruit, they are always so excited if I buy strawberries. They act like I'm giving them candy. They also act like raisins and protein bars are candy, so... yeah. But I'm glad they love to eat healthy snacks. Jameson will eat almost anything. He shoves food in his mouth until his cheeks are stuffed food and it is spilling out of his lips and then he just uses his fingers to try and cram it all in. He eats like someone is might take away the food any second. 

You can ask Jameson almost any question right now and he will say, "yeah." 

"Jameson, are you hungry?" 

"Jameson, are you cute?"

"Are you a stinker?"

The only time he says "no" is if you ask him if he wants to go to bed or get out of the bath. 

"Do you want to go lay down in your bed?"

That's how he says "no."

Well, I just love my kiddos. The age they are at right now is precious and hilarious. ... most of the time. :)  If Quinn leaves the bathroom door open, Jameson will without a doubt fill the toilet bowl with toilet paper so that's not as fun.